Thursday, May 24, 2012

When dragons attack...

Dragons are very powerful creatures and they like to cause a lot of damage. I was witness to such an attack back in 2008.

Nantzu Baosheng Dadi Festival 2008 楠梓保生大帝慶典

Was a young lad wandering the streets when suddenly a dragon rounded the corner leaving a trail of fire.

When dragons attack.

It attacked the square and all those in it with impunity. Nothing was spared.


The result was devastating. After it finished with us, it moved along looking forwards to its next rampage.

How to kill a dragon

Soon after, I learned how to kill one: Spear it in the throat.
So I wait for you dragon and next time I will give you no quarter...

1 comment:

maddy green said...

great portrayal of the beasts!